Swup has several options that can be passed in during initialization.
These are the default options. See below for details on each option.
const swup = new Swup({
animateHistoryBrowsing: false,
animationSelector: '[class*="transition-"]',
animationScope: 'html',
cache: true,
containers: ['#swup'],
ignoreVisit: (url, { el } = {}) => el?.closest('[data-no-swup]'),
linkSelector: 'a[href]',
linkToSelf: 'scroll',
plugins: [],
resolveUrl: (url) => url,
requestHeaders: {
'X-Requested-With': 'swup',
'Accept': 'text/html, application/xhtml+xml'
skipPopStateHandling: (event) => event.state?.source !== 'swup'
const swup = new Swup({
animateHistoryBrowsing: false,
animationSelector: '[class*="transition-"]',
animationScope: 'html',
cache: true,
containers: ['#swup'],
ignoreVisit: (url, { el } = {}) => el?.closest('[data-no-swup]'),
linkSelector: 'a[href]',
linkToSelf: 'scroll',
plugins: [],
resolveUrl: (url) => url,
requestHeaders: {
'X-Requested-With': 'swup',
'Accept': 'text/html, application/xhtml+xml'
skipPopStateHandling: (event) => event.state?.source !== 'swup'
The selector for detecting animation timing. Swup will wait for all CSS transitions and
keyframe animations to finish on these elements before swapping in the content of the new page.
The default option will select all elements with class names beginning in transition-
animationSelector: '[class*="transition-"]'
animationSelector: '[class*="transition-"]'
The elements on which swup will add the animation classes
for styling the different phases of the in/out animation. By default, it will add those classes
to the html
tag. This is great for most use cases and the recommended way to use swup.
animationScope: 'html'
animationScope: 'html'
<html class="is-animating is-leaving"></html>
<html class="is-animating is-leaving"></html>
Setting this option to containers
will add the classes on the content containers themselves instead.
animationScope: 'containers'
animationScope: 'containers'
<main id="swup" class="is-animating is-leaving">Content</main>
<main id="swup" class="is-animating is-leaving">Content</main>
The content containers to be replaced on page visits. Usually the <main>
element with the
content of the page, but can include any other elements that are present across all pages.
Defaults to a single container of id #swup
Adding containers here allows animating one set of elements while replacing other parts of the page without animation, e.g. a global site navigation that will not fade out but still needs to update to reflect language changes.
containers: ['#swup']
containers: ['#swup']
The built-in cache keeps previously loaded pages in memory. This improves speed but
can be disabled for highly dynamic sites that need up-to-date responses on each request. Defaults
to true
cache: true
cache: true
Allows ignoring specific visits via callback. By default, swup will ignore links with a
attribute on itself or any parent element.
The callback takes a relative URL of the new page, as well as the element and event that triggered
the visit. Note that element and event will be undefined if navigating via swup.navigate(url)
ignoreVisit: (url, { el, event } = {}) => el?.closest('[data-no-swup]')
ignoreVisit: (url, { el, event } = {}) => el?.closest('[data-no-swup]')
The link elements that trigger visits. By default, all a
elements with an href
attribute will receive clicks.
linkSelector: 'a[href]'
linkSelector: 'a[href]'
To let swup take over clicks on map areas or SVG links, append the selector:
linkSelector: 'a[href], area[href], svg a[*|href]'
linkSelector: 'a[href], area[href], svg a[*|href]'
How swup handles links that lead to the currently active URL. By default, it will scroll
to the
top without actually performing a navigation. Pass in navigate
to treat these links like any
other link and perform a regular navigation.
linkToSelf: 'navigate'
linkToSelf: 'navigate'
The custom headers that get sent along with each swup request.
requestHeaders: {
'X-Requested-With': 'swup', // identify swup requests
'Accept': 'text/html, application/xhtml+xml' // define expected response
requestHeaders: {
'X-Requested-With': 'swup', // identify swup requests
'Accept': 'text/html, application/xhtml+xml' // define expected response
Rewrite URLs before loading them. An advanced way of ignoring certain visits by mapping different paths to a single path and treating them as one resource for fetching pages and restoring scroll positions. The callback receives and returns a relative URL.
An example use case would be a project listing: the server always sends the complete list of
projects and filtering is done client-side based on query params. You'll want to handle any visits
between /projects/?sort=date
and /projects/?sort=title
yourself, telling swup nothing has
changed and no page load is necessary.
resolveUrl: (url) => {
if (url.startsWith('/projects/?')) {
return '/projects/';
return url;
resolveUrl: (url) => {
if (url.startsWith('/projects/?')) {
return '/projects/';
return url;
The option defaults to (url) => url
Swup will only handle backward/forward visits to history entries it has created itself. Any visits
to entries without a custom source
property will be ignored and handled by the browser instead.
To modify this behavior, provide a custom callback function that receives the popstate
and returns a boolean
skipPopStateHandling: (event) => event.state?.source !== 'swup'
skipPopStateHandling: (event) => event.state?.source !== 'swup'
Swup will skip animations for visits triggered by the back/forward button. If you do require
animations on history visits, set this to true
. Swup will add the class is-popstate
to the html
tag during those animations. Defaults to false
animateHistoryBrowsing: false
animateHistoryBrowsing: false